Monday, August 20, 2007

Happy 2nd Anniversary!

And so two years have passed since the big day! And there's nowhere else I'd rather be. To celebrate this momentous occasion, here's *two* bits of trivia:
  • Our wedding day was the first month anniversary to-the-day of the nationwide legalization of same-sex marriage!

  • The "tent" that was used for the reception matched our outfits beautifully!

Today we kicked off by having breakfast at our favourite place, Le Petit Dejeuner....still the best eggs benny in town. And the rest of the day is a family love-in with our baby with a nice romantic dindin awaiting us.

Speaking of our baby, he just had surgery last Thursday, and overall he seems to be doing well.. The first day he really hid under the bed and stayed there the whole day. Three days later, he seems to be back to his old self...except he still feels quite a bit tired every now and then...

By the way, the blu-ray player kicks ass. I watched excerpts from a couple of blu-ray discs that we have....(a) the subwoofer is really getting a work-out, and (b) some of the images were so sharp my eyes actually got tired after a while :D

Friday, August 03, 2007

Putting the cart before the horse....

This latest bout of gadget envy came about by my latest visit to Best Buy for the latest release of 300. Imagine my non-surprise at seeing all three formats (DVD, HD-DVD, and Blu-ray) within a few dollars of each other (it's not like I haven't been surfing their site, after all). Not only that, but there was a whole whack of hi-def titles on sale for $19.99! Heck, that's about as much as I normally pay for a used DVD nowadays....if not for the fact that the used DVD stores (all three of them now) also sell used hi-def discs for $14.99-19.99!

Players are slowly getting cheaper is selling the latest HD-DVD player at $219.99 (refurbished, but still). As for Blu-ray, well, I've always said that if I were getting a Blu-ray player, I might as well get the Playstation 3. Which is a no-brainer since I've always had a Playstation and this one is a sure buy, so for sure I *will* be going Blu-ray. Given that there was a PS3 price drop (now $549 from $699) combined with the occasional $50 coupon from Best Buy, a "player" can be had at $499. Not bad.

But, of course, purchasing such a unit is hands-off at this point. However, thanks to this latest announcement, I might very well be starting to buy the software even before I get the player:

Yes, my friends, geeks everywhere now have nipples that can cut diamonds.

It would have been okay to wait until I get a player if not for that limited edition version of the thing. These typically sell out faster than, well, fast. Sometimes even pre-orders don't get filled if they don't have enough.

So, cart-before-horse moment. What should A.J. do?

(1) A.J. will not buy any more standard DVD's unless they are super-cool limited edition stuff (like Alien heads or has bonus material not available in the hi-def disc). If I have to spend money, I might as well spend it wisely (laughter can suddenly be heard all around the world).

(2) A.J. will not also buy any hi-def discs before he gets a hi-def player unless: (a) he finds a really good deal on a movie that deserves to be on hi-def (like Batman Begins), or (b) there is a limited edition of a movie that deserves to be on hi-def that is in very real danger of selling out. Pre-orders can always be cancelled and they will not charge your credit card anyways until it is actually shipped. Sites like Best Buy and Amazon even adjust your price downward if it becomes cheaper.

(3) Seeing as it is a question of "when" and not "if" he will get a Playstation 3, A.J. will only stick to buying Blu-ray discs. This way, even if HD-DVD wins this format war, my possession of the Playstation 3 will guarantee that I will be able to play these discs.

Now what if a limited edition of a hi-def deserving movie came out only in HD-DVD, you may ask?

We shall cross that bridge when we come to it. Finnegan has decreed.

I close this post with the following article:

Thursday, August 02, 2007

What would A.J. do part 2?

So finally they've announced the definitive Blade Runner collection on DVD, HD-DVD and Blu-Ray. This contains Ridley Scott's Final Cut of the movie, and the 5-disc edition (which is obviously the most feature-packed version of the lot) has all the previous cuts of the movie as well as a whole whack of features!

There's no question that A.J. will get the most expensive one of the lot, however.....

Seeing as A.J. only wants to spend money *once*, which version (DVD, HD-DVD, or Blu-Ray) should he get? The release date is December 2007, so would there be a hi-def format winner by that time? What, oh, what will A.J. do?!?

Here's is a guide from that outlines the different versions. So far, the only site to offer pre-orders at this time. The prices are actually damn cheap!!!

A bit of house-cleaning

So I've decided to do a little bit of refresh on my blog, seeing as technology has improved a little bit since my last post. As for my ...