Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Stress Week

As a project manager, I always call the week of an implementation "stress week". Approvals to make, things to broadcast, time to dot the i's, etc. This week also marks the first time that I'm putting in a project that was totally out of procedure and yet has a lot of eyes on it. Needless to say, this is stress on top of the normal stress I feel in a *normal* implementation.....let's just hope things go well.

On another sad note, my brother's dog Choco was put to sleep last week. It started out with the dog just eliminating all over the house, then soon not feeling too good. After a trip to the ER, they found that he had kidney stones. I suppose the prognosis wasn't good, because the next day they had him put to sleep.

Now being the owner/parent of a dog, I can somewhat imagine how hard this must be. Heck, my eyes well up sometimes with just the thought of my little Finny having such a short life compared to ours. I wish he could live forever.

He's on the floor resting right now just looking at me. *sigh*

So - spring's here and I've finally swapped the coats around. Geez, it's still a lot of coats. I'm really close to chucking a couple of them but we'll see. After doing chores for a couple of hours (laundry, some yard work involving marble chips, swapping coats) I'm finally ready for some downtime. I'll pick up the never-ending parade of chores tomorrow.

Current dilemma: solar vs. low-voltage lighting. It's getting really hard to find a package of the "normal" low-voltage lighting - it seems that all Can Tire, Homo Depot, etc. sells now are solar ones. And it doesn't help that I've got $5 coupons that I can use on anything solar....limit *5* per transaction!!!! (So I can buy a set of 6 lights plus an additional pair of floodlights and save $10) But of course, they don't shine as bright. I'd go for the low-voltage lighting, but as I said, it's getting hard to find them. I'll try out Zellers tomorrow when I travel to Meepland West.

Finally, 52 is coming to an end tomorrow!! What is the secret of 52? I've read somewhere that the multiverse still exists, somehow. I guess all will be revealed. Sad thing is that this series took up 2 of my magazine files....and with another weekly series coming up, one shelf of mine is sure to fill in fast. C'mon, kill them all already!!! What everyone really wants is a *permanent* change of status quo (like Captain America - of course we all know that someone else will step in to fill Steve Rogers' shoes, but at least it's fun to keep guessing who *cough*Bucky*cough).

Now to read some comic books. 52! 52!

(For ye all who wonder what the heck is 52......www.52thecomic.com)

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