Sunday, June 26, 2011

Pellet reviews: Thor


Sorry, my inner geek couldn't help it. Thor was one of those super-heroes that I could not visualize being on screen (along with Wonder Woman - just how does that costume live up to today's sensibilities, but I digress). So when I heard that Kenneth Branagh (who is known for more Shakespearean works) was taking the helm, it made me all the more curious.

As it turns out, that poetic bent lent itself well to the drama that needed to be majestic in nature. Asgard was truly brought to life, as well as the "godly" presence that its inhabitants projected. Odin as well-played by Sir A. Hopkins, while Loki came across as a more than just the God of Mischief - in this film, you will truly understand his motivations and actually feel for him.

And Thor? Well...let's just say he was portrayed well as a man-child at the beginning and matured well during his time on Earth. And of course they had to have a gratuitous shirtless moment (blush) just to give the romantic interest (Jane Foster) some motivation to want to help. It worked out okay, although I can't help feeling that the role could have been played by anyone other than "academy award-winning actress" Natalie Portman. Perhaps there will be payoff in the Avengers movie?

All in all, the specially effects were great, the drama and romance made Thor more believeable, and ranks as a must-buy for me when the blu-ray comes out.

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