Friday, December 15, 2006

Angel and Demon

Nope, it's not the prequel to Dan Brown's novel. I actually got the idea from surfing the web about "puppy biting" and came across the phrase "angel days and devil days". This morning was a devil morning - didn't get any work done, had 3 accidents all in the space of 3 hours, and the biting was just getting....arrgh.

However, in desperation I turned to the Dog Whisperer's site, and I think what I got from it is more often than not, it's the human that has to be trained. Basically, we have to establish ourselves as the leader of the pack, and there are certain things you need to do to establish that. Otherwise, if the dog does not see a leadership role happening, they will step in to fill the void. (Gee, apparently I may have the same problem at work - in both cases I need "subtle assertiveness". The Dog Whisperer calls it "calm assertiveness".)

How to achieve such a state? The leader should not exhibit nervousness, panic, and tension. Calmness, consistency, and confidence (not aggression) is key.....basically I have to get to a Zen place. In the dog's world, this is what projects leadership. Or be more like Oprah.

Anyways, I must do things that the den mother would normally do - if I walk out the door, I have to go out first (and the other way around). On walks, I have to lead and the puppy has to be behind or beside me. If I get bit or nipped, I yelp , walk away and ignore the pup (basically if he doesn't play nice, no one will play with him). At eating time, I eat first, and they must demonstrate "calm-submissiveness" before I give food.

The only thing I haven't done is do the 45-minute power-walk in the morning before they eat. Tricky, given the weather around here. But you know what? I've tried all of the above when he woke up from his morning nap, and I think it's been an angel afternoon. The biting has gone down, no accidents (yet), and best of all.....he's sleeping right now in the den!

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A bit of house-cleaning

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