Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Don't tell him....

Hi. My name's Gappy. Gappy the Bear. Don't tell my master I'm using this. He's in the other room...studying. Kinda cranky actually. But I know I'll be okay, 'coz he loves bears.

It didn't help that he had a migraine on Monday. Took the whole day and night, that one. Funny thing, though, is that while this was going on, he and his hubby finally made up their mind about the house they wanted to buy. Drove out and looked at it one more time too. (...i hope there's room for me....) Poor master had to run off at one point and, well, do what people with migraines do (mark their territory?).

Poor hubby had a hard time too. Came from Aussie and all, jet lag included. Imagine taking care of puke boy in that state. Fun was had by all.

Then, when he got back to work, his close-to-a-million-dollar project took a turn for the unexpected. Let's just say it made him madder. That's why I snuck out of the room. Didn't want to be in the way.

Oh...actually, I spy him making dinner. Wonton soup? I guess hubby's not around. Oh yeah...he's at that underwriter's conference. Having more than wonton soup, I suppose.

Can I say something, though...?

Hubby really took care of him. Really, really took care of him. And they're really sweet together when they're in caring mode. You know what? I think I'll keep them both :))

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A bit of house-cleaning

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