2:18 p.m.
Finally got to set up my first-ever blog! Sure beats the heck out of having to write in a journal...unless someone decides to give me a Mont Blanc pen! Until then, keyboards are the way to go. Now if I can only figure out how to give my profile a picture.....
Hot afternoon here are at work - we were stuck in a conference room that seems to have the heater on all the time, even at a 32C day! But I feel great anyway because we got a lot out of that meeting. I'm glad I have really competent folks working with me on this project.
Just stressing about that PMP exam in a couple of weeks. Hopefully my 2-hour-a-night study schedule helps.
9:06 p.m.
Bwahahaha! Finally got that dang photo down to 50KB!! Now there's a face to the name (okay...better go back to studying....this benefit/cost ratio and payback stuff is killing me!!!)
Can't talk with my hubby at the moment...crazy colleague keeps peeking over his shoulder. So a moratorium on yahoo! chats is in effect! Just wait though.....it will be lunch there soon Down Under (should be 11:00 am-ish by now).
Did I mention I got those pretty-pretty Trafalgar bags from my friend Nestor? They look nice....apparently they're a lot better than the rainbow-coloured ones they used to have a while back. Hmmmm...then again.....
Okay...better get back to studying (fer real!!!)
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