Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Pellet Review - Corpse Bride

Did I forget to mention that we watched Corpse Bride last night? At home, natch. I still feel spoiled watching a movie at home eating home-made popcorn. Anyways.....

All in all, the movie is good, I felt it was somewhat slow in the beginning but definitely started to pick up once the Corpse Bride made her appearance. Wonderful voice performances all around, but as usual, Johnny Depp made the character come to life (pun intended). Of course it helps that the claymation guy looked and acted like him, but it still takes a certain skill to pull it off.

As always, the animation is good, considering the amount of work that must've gone in. Of course, it's probably not for everyone (some of us may feel that this style is somewhat dated) but it's a pretty good romp for those who do appreciate it. could be my system, or the DVD, but I strained to hear some of the conversation. Couldn't quite make out what some of the lyrics were, but as I bumped the volume up later on, it wasn't so much of an issue. Other than the dialogue, the sound was good.

Overall, it was a little feel-good movie which had enough twisted humour that shouldn't scare away the wee ones. That is, if neon-green dancing skeletons are their thing. This one didn't win the Oscar for Best Animated flick, though - it went to Wallace and Gromit (guess which one I want to buy next!) I also want to watch Howl's Moving Castle (the other nominated flick)'s by Miyazaki, so I guess I can't really go wrong with that one. I'll keep y'all posted!

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A bit of house-cleaning

So I've decided to do a little bit of refresh on my blog, seeing as technology has improved a little bit since my last post. As for my ...