Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Project woes (and whoa's)

2:38 p.m.

Got the word today that my close-to-a-million dollar project is being put on indefinite hiatus. Be careful what I wish for? I wanted the project to be done and over with, but (whoa!) this was somewhat unexpected. Of course the joys of being project manager now kick in full steam (risk mitigation! risk contingency execution!). Of course this impacts two other projects I'm looking after, but I think I need time to digest. My personality type says so. So there.

And today was my first day to "communicate" the news to other employees and its impact in a people-manager capacity. I suppose this skill will improve over time, but hopefully it won't be over not-so-good news like this one.

Well, I suppose it is good news. There was trouble in paradise in the beginning, I think, so better to stop this now than burn in production hell later. Sad thing was, our stream was going so well. But hey, that's life for you.

So that dinner at Le Petit D. tonight....methinks I will partake of some wonderful bubbly to help decompress. And maybe test out the karaoke set-up at home tonight? (Hard to believe me and the gang used to go out at least weekly for a karaoke-fest. Good times....)

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