Friday, March 17, 2006

Pellet Review - Saved!

"If God wanted us to all be the same, why did He make us different?"

Certainly one of the many words of wisdom that struck home near the end of the movie. Sure, it might be on the lighter side of "wisdom", but there were a few truths there. For those who are not familiar with the movie, "Saved!" is about a group of young 'uns who attend a Christian school, with the focus on one girl who wants to "save" her boyfriend from being gay. Ah, there's the hook right there for yours truly.

There were a lot of funny moments too ("I am FILLED with Christ's love!!!" one character yells as she throws a bible at her friend). But you really have to be in an open frame of mind to watch this movie...if you are anything like the character I mentioned, then you might be throwing the DVD player. And that's not good. Really.

Suffice it to say it was a feel-good movie (for us anyway). As far as sound and vision is concerned, since it's not the kind of big-screen movie that demands good visuals and rockin' sound, then they were all right by us.

Plus, it's good to see that Macaulay Culkin is still alive.

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