Saturday, April 01, 2006

On a gray day.....

6:15 p.m.

Just waiting for my friends to show up. Tonight is card night and they are coming here to (hopefully) give me more money. Once again, the hubby is away on business, and I gotta say that it really sucks coming home knowing that I'll be going to bed alone again. That's why I keep myself busy, so that I'll be so tired that once I hit the sack I really won't notice that I'm sleeping alone.

Random thought: I don't mind pots calling kettles black, as long as the pots own up to being what they are.

I have meant to celebrate my 1000th hour on CPAP a couple of weeks ago. Celebrate you say? How can that be a celebration? Well, consider that 1000 hours = 142 nights of sound sleep (on an average of 7 hours of sleep a night). Now really, isn't that cause to be happy? For all you folks considering whether a CPAP machine is worth it, yes it is!! If I'm on the machine, I sleep straight through - no half-waking up at various times in the wee hours of the morning. I mean a straight, solid sleep. Plus, the hubby gets to sleep all the way thru too! None of that snoring anymore!

(Granted, spontaneity suffers a bit, but I think we've matured enough in our relationship to know how to plan around it. Besides, not everything is about *that*.)

So someone asked me before (who shall remain nameless and if you are reading this, you know who you are) if one can consider sex being the goal of a relationship. Personally, sex lends a lot to the growth of a relationship (especially in its early stages), but one will have to consider that in a life partnership, there will come a time when one or both will not be as - say - virile as they are in youth. So if sex was a huge, huge part of the foundation, then you can imagine that if that is taken out of the equation then you may find yourselves one day looking at each other with nothing to talk about.

I'm not saying that sex is not important. It is! But it is also important to establish a solid emotional and mental foundation so that you will have other things to connect with each other as time passes. And in a way, this internal connection is so much harder to work on than the physical part....and if you don't start on this earlier in the relationship, then really there is not a huge chance of the relationship surviving much later in life.

But that's just me. Now, for you lucky bastards who still have hot sex in their 70's without the assistance of Viagra, you will have to tell me your secret so I can start training. Yeah, right, like I know anyone in that age range who I would be familiar enough with to have that conversation.

See, this is what happens when you stay indoors on a gray day like today. I gotta get out more.

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