Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Pellet Review - The Chronicles of Narnia (The Lion, The Witch...oh, you know which one!)

So continues the trend of really long movie titles ("Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" anyone? Of course there's always "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"....Let me just give kudos to the upcoming remake of the "The Poseidon Adventure", now just called "Poseidon".)

Based on a children's book series, this first adaptation (of maybe seven) gets off to a promising start. Of course, there are parts of the plot where I can see a few things coming (what do you expect - it's a children's book!) but what I find fascinating is the maybe not-so-obvious parallels it is trying to draw between certain aspects of Christianity (namely Jesus and his sacrifice and subsequent resurrection). Granted, naming the eldest child (translated: first apostle) Peter kind of gets the message across, but I think when Alsan the Lion King (he he he) said "It is finished" I think the message gets delivered point blank.

Just out of curiosity, I did surf the 'net and sure enough, there are forums galore regarding this subject. Imagine that.

It's a fantastic movie to look at, though. The CGI animation is nothing short of amazing and it is truly leaps and bounds from the first CGI talking-animal flick I've ever seen ("Babe"). Sound-wise, though, I'm not sure if it's my settings or the actual audio mastering (or is it that Brit accent) but the dialogue seemed faint - I was afraid of turning it up for fear of having some big explosion scene coming up and thereby scaring my poor mom witless.


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