Friday, April 21, 2006

Pellet Reviews (Combined): Mirrormask / The Island / A.I.

We still haven't gone to a "real" movie in a while - but I managed to get my hands on a "free" pass to Mission Impossible 3 so at least I know we'll be going in the next month (expiry date and all).

What we have watched here at home of late is "Mirrormask", "The Island", and "A.I.". Not really enough time to write individual reviews so here goes....

Mirrormask - Damn if this thing doesn't look good on the big screen. Really dazzling and creative visuals. But after watching it for a while, it does tend to get a bit tiring, meaning visual overload. Too much of a good thing perhaps. But the story is somewhat ordinary - teenage girl runs into a real-life crisis and retreats into dreamworld where things get (somewhat) resolved....although the narrative does not spell it out that way. But still a good showcase for home theatre. I remember one scene where giants fell out of the sky, and I swear I *felt* the air being displaced as they came down with a huge THUD.

The Island - Great concept, good action flick to watch. A great popcorn movie, therefore not genre-redefining. Another good one for the home theatre.

A.I. - As always with Steven Spielberg, this is a beauty to watch. A bit sad/bittersweet though. Not sure if the kiddies can appreciate this, but it does pull at the heartstrings as the story addresses a universal longing in all of us - the need to be loved by someone. And the affirmation of it. What it shows us is sometimes, what we think we want is not necessarily so. In the story, the main character thought what he wanted is to become a real boy so that he can be loved. What he learns in the end, well, I won't spoil the ending for those who haven't seen it. But I had to reach for a tissue. So there.

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